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Godless gifts for the holidays

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 10:24 AM

Holidays are coming and even though we don't celebrate Christmas, many of us still exchange presents with friends and family. This year, why not support a godless merchant and buy atheist related gifts?

Frank Minero runs the Godless Liberal Social Society based in Los Angeles and is a friend of Generation Atheist. He created an online store full of great godless t-shirts, bumper stickers, buttons, books, pins and more. Please visit the store and buy something for yourself, a friend or family member.

He's also running a giveaway where you can win an item of your choosing from the gift shop. Get details on the giveaway here. Today is the last day of the giveaway so get your entry in before it's too late.

Giveaway details:


Happy Holidays,
Michael Khalili
Generation Atheist Organizer

say t-shirts, bumper stickers, buttons, books, pins and pretty much anything else you can imagine

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