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Secular banner for Winter Display in Santa Monica

From: Michael K.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 2:07 PM

For over 50 years, local churches have been using public land in Palisades Park (Santa Monica) to display a nativity scene. This year, Damon Vix also applied to get use of the park for secular messages to counter the religious theme and got several spots displacing most of the nativity scenes.

Atheists United is putting up a banner and Damon also offered a spot to Generation Atheist. If we can decide on a design by Friday, I can have it printed and put up. If you'd like to help design a banner, please join the discussion on our meetup message board.

Here's a link to ABC news covering the story with Damon defending the position

For more details, join us on the message board here.

Thank you,
Michael Khalili
Generation Atheist Organizer

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