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New Meetup: LIve Team Trivia at In The Zone

From: user 9.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 7:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Generation X ~Stuck in the 80's in Tampa Bay!

What: LIve Team Trivia at In The Zone

When: October 6,[masked]:00 PM

In The Zone
4535 Gunn Hwy
Tampa, FL 33624

Now it's time for our group to get in on the competition!!! "In The Zone" is now hosting live interactive Team Trivia. Not to be confused with NTN trivia which is played on the TV. Come on out and join Garry and Kim Elser with all of your friends (and make some new ones) to play live trivia where an Emcee asks questions from a variety of categories such as History, Song Lyrics, Movies, Geography, TV, Sports, or the occasional bonus Sex question. Questions are grouped in sets of 4 and are given point values of 1, 3, 5 and 7 for you and your team members to wager on your answers. Each team can use each point value only once in each set of questions. There is a halftime question worth up 10 additional points just to keep things interesting! Our final question where teams can wager up to 21 points if everyone feeling really confident, however, if your team is wrong on the final question, all the points wagered will be lost It's anyone's game and the top three teams win prizes of a $10 bar tab for 3rd place, $20 bar tab for 2nd place, and $30 bar tab for 1st place. There is no limit to how many players per team so it's a perfect night out with any of your friends, or all of them. Join regular teams, or start your own with some teams having as many as 20 players!! We guarantee that once you play live interactive trivia it will be habit forming!!

Learn more here: