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Call for Submissions: Design GDI Philly's New Logo!

From: Corinne
Sent on: Monday, January 28, 2013, 1:33 PM

Alright designers, it's time that we localize our logo. And now that we know you're out there (as evidenced by the last message board post), we're announcing: "Design GDI Philly's New Logo" contest! Anyone can enter.

What we're looking for in a logo:

  • the color scheme of our organization: see (
  • our name!
  • creativity and fun
  • a little Philly flavor

The winning designer receives:

  • t-shirt with the logo
  • free pass to 1 GirlDevelopIt Philly class of your choice

Please post your submission on the GirlDevelopIt Philly Facebook page by February 18th (the earlier, the better!) for the community to vote on. If you do not have a Facebook account, submit your logo design to [address removed].

BONUS CONTEST: Come up with a catchy, concise slogan for our group that speaks to the spirit and mission of GirlDevelopIt. What's in it for you? You can win a t-shirt with the new logo and slogan! Please submit slogans on the Facebook as well.


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