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For female entrepreneurs (current and aspiring)

From: Yasmine M.
Sent on: Sunday, March 8, 2015, 11:21 PM

Happy International Women's Day! Celebrate by giving a woman in your life a Twitter shout-out. Copy us (@gdiphilly) and we'll RT it.

On to the subject of the email, there's a local group of women that meet monthly over wine to talk about current and/or aspiring initiatives. It's appropriately called Women, Wine and Wisdom and it's run by GDI member and startup leader Yuval Yarden. It's been invite-only and I asked her to share more information about it to benefit the GDI community. The events they host are fun and I always walk away with at least one great connection. Go check them out.

From Yuval: Women, Wine and Wisdom strives to create valuable friendships between great women who can support one another in achieving their goals. Our network is comprised of ambitious women (creatives, entreprenurs, etc.)  and we meet at different bars in the city on a monthly basis to stay up to date on each others work and connect with new women in the community. Through word of mouth, WWW has grown to over 60 women in the Philadelphia area. We'd love for you to join! If you are interested, please email Yuval at [address removed] for more info.

And if you haven't heard of The Hive, it's a coworking place for women entrepreneurs in Old City. They also run monthly events you may want to check out.


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