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Join us for a talk by 1 of Canada's top women in VC!

From: Anna M.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 7:58 AM

Hey Girl Geeks,

You won't want to miss our June event - it'll be our last before September - not to mention, we've lined up a stellar speaker for you!

Join us on Tuesday, June 13th at for an evening dedicated to learning about Canada's first pre-seed/seed-stage Venture Capital fund dedicated to growing woman-led startups, StandUp Ventures. It's truly special that we have one of it's key leaders, Michelle McBane (Director at MaRS IAF and 1 of Canada's top women in tech VC) in the house to share her insights with us!

As always, your $10 ticket gives you access to this great talk, a healthy spread and refreshments, and networking time with this awesome community.

Space is limited - RSVP today!

Anna, Amy & Kania

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