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Re: [rawfoodglasgow] IMPORTANT Message to ALL on Edinburgh Side

From: user 2.
Sent on: Monday, January 16, 2012, 11:25 AM

Thank God- someone i can talk to

I said i would come to the Edinburgh meet yesterday but couldnt find how to communicate with anyone- might be my small iphone but i couldnt find a contact number or how to email you

I am very interested in raw food 

I need help with my junk food intake

I didnt know if i had to bring food yesterday or if it was a food lecture

My mobile is[masked]

Raw food lifestyle would heal our planet and is vitaly important

Please continue to set up meetings

Rose Rivendale

On 16 Jan 2012, at 10:50, Farrah M <[address removed]> wrote:



Hi Everyone,


This is Farrah, the organiser of the Edinburgh RAW group.


If you would still like a group on the Edinburgh side then please let me know, I don't feel like there is much interest from people here therefore I'm wondering if a group is required.


I was very excited and happy to take over the group for Edinburgh and was full of ideas which I did share in an opening email to all, but I have been very disappointed with the turn out and response to the past few meet ups.


There is so much to share and I feel we REALLY need some kind of conscious community at this time where people actually care about their health and the planet, as you know being RAW is a lifestyle choice.


If there is no feedback I am going to step down and concentrate on my other groups as it drains me to put so much effort and see nothing from others.



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To learn more about Farrah M, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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