What we’re about
The Global XR Community is a free community around Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Immersive technologies, and the Metaverse. We organize frequent events – and a yearly conference called the Global XR Conference.
Our frequent events are split up into talks and meetups. The globalxr.talks
present speakers from the community during a live session on YouTube and the globalxr.meetup presents speakers at physical events. The Global XR Conference is a yearly online event with talks, sessions, workshops, and local community broadcasts.
If you are interested in supporting an event, want to be a speaker, or want to organize a local community gathering, don’t hesitate to contact us at hq@globalxr.community!
Find recordings of all previous events on our YouTube channel.
For more information, visit our website at http://globalxr.community
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Global XR Conference 2024Link visible for attendees
The Global XR Conference 2024 is a free, non-profit, one-day event.
Organized for the community and by the community around extended reality (XR) – virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, Immersive Technologies, Metaverse, and more.https://www.globalxrconference.com
Watch YouTube live streams of sessions, see content from local communities all over the world, meet the XR community on Discord and in VR, and much more.
Get a free ticket to experience it in its entirety – we’ll keep you informed of everything that is going on!
Sign up as an attendee (keep updated)
Information about the event, the agenda, and more can be found here