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What we’re about

Welcome to the Gold Coast Hiking and Travel Group.
If you're looking for a way to meet new people and you enjoy getting out and about in the great outdoors, you've come to the right place! We offer coastal, urban and bush walks so you're sure to find something that appeals.

Our members are a friendly bunch, with all age groups represented and everyone makes an effort to chat. Whether you are new to the Coast or have lived here for years, you may like to start with our popular 'Walk & A Wine' series. These are a monthly short stroll along a section of beachfront between Coolangatta and The Spit, followed by drinks or coffee at a one of the Surf Clubs.

Our group is free to join - we only request a gold coin as stated on each event to help cover the Meetup website cost. Please be courteous and keep your RSVP for events up to date, thank you

JOINING OUR GROUP and MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL (the easy but also important stuff!): Please use own given name and upload a recent passport style photo of only yourself - Photo's are not to contain groups, children, animals, cartoon characters or landscapes etc! You will be declined if you fail to meet this requirement. Note: Please be aware of possible multiple photos in your Meetup main profile, particularly if you belong to more than one Meetup group. An optional introduction can be filled out anytime.
Your photo helps recognise you and to connect with other members at our events, not to mention if we need to contact or remember who you are amongst others with the same name!

We have a heap of fun so what are you waiting for? Joining the Gold Coast Hiking Meetup Group might just be the best thing you do this year!

Administration is by Sky Road Trail Pty Ltd. Sky Road Trail also promotes tours on this site.