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Freebie Friday – Guess What The Last 9 Months Has Produced?

From: Matt J.
Sent on: Friday, November 27, 2015, 5:50 AM

Well it’s been a MASSIVE week and I don’t
normally say this but TGIF!

Check this out for productivity:

  • Another huge BPG meetup with over 120 awesome property
    investors in attendance. (Click here to RSVP to next month’s BPG)
  • I launched my long awaited DIY Joint Venture Kit (Click here to
    check out the time sensitive BONUS inclusions)
  • The website had a substantial facelift
    with some brand new content, beautiful design and sexy new logo!

So if you’ve had a big week like me and just need
something easy to read that will inspire you to reflect
and set some intentions over the weekend, this is for you.

Likewise, if you’ve been sipping cocktails on a beach
all week, you’ll find this information just as beneficial!

This week’s Freebie Friday email is all about giving you
a little insight into me and my family’s life over the past
9 months.

Click here to read my latest blogpost revealing photos,
philosophy and fun times.



PS. Congratulations to those that have already taken massive
action and got access to my DIY Joint Venture Kit including a
hard and soft copy of Russell Sparke’s Joint Venture Agreement
Template, worth over $2000!

I have just 6 copies left of the bonus inclusion so if you want
access, click the link below before they run out:

People in this
group are also in: