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You Have Less Than 36 Hrs To Check This Out...

From: Matt J.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 3:36 PM

Another massive turn out last night at
the Brisbane Property Networking Group

Thanks to all the speakers that contributed
awesome content - the feedback has been

Congratulations to all the winners of the
special door prizes on the night as well

Speaking of winning....

I sent out a special email to the Property
Resource Shop community last week (which is
of like the big Daddy version of the group
here on

In that email I provided a secret link to access
massive discounts to celebrate the End of
Financial Year.

I'm talking between 5% and 81% off to all my
memberships, DIY Kits and other phenomenal
property resources.

With less than 36 hrs left of the sale I figured
it was only fair to let you know as well since
you are a valued member of our broader
property networking group comunity

Click here to check out the prices now

There's a countdown clock on the webpage
at the above link and when that hits zero at
midnight tomorrow night it's all over.

Hop to it and get access to this exceptional
opportunity to advance your property investing
skills and knowledge.

Talk soon

PS. Make sure you check this out BEFORE
midnight tomorrow night... Once the countdown
clock reaches zero, you'll miss out:

People in this
group are also in: