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New Meetup: Celebrate Endangered Species Day

From: Chris P.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 12:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Golden Gate Hikers!

What: Celebrate Endangered Species Day

When: Sunday, May 23,[masked]:00 AM

Where: (See below)

Hi Everyone,

Even though I won't be able to attend this event (I'll be there for the hike on Saturday) I wanted to pass on these great outdoor volunteer opportunities this coming Sunday! These work days are a chance to restore some of the wonderful habitat in the Bay Area and maybe see some of our endangered flora and fauna! There will be a leader there from the National Park Service or the Conservancy and they can provide you with everything you'll need for the day, i.e. tools, gloves and a snack. If you're interested I posted two different events for this coming Sunday (there's also more on Saturday). One's here in San Francisco and the other is up in Marin, so hopefully there's something for all. Just cut and paste the link into the browser and make sure you click the link to register for your event so they know you're coming.



Sunday, May 23

When: 9 am?Noon. Register here
Where: Presidio Hills, Presidio
What: Habitat restoration, focusing on invasive plant removal
Who: 10 years and up (youth with chaperones)
Endangered & Threatened Species: San Francisco lessingia

When: 9:30 am?2:30 pm. Register here
Where: Stinson Gulch, Marin
What: Habitat restoration, focusing on invasive plant removal
Who: 8 years and up (youth with chaperones)
Endangered & Threatened Species: Steelhead trout, also western snowy plover on beach

Learn more here:

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