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Our Member Bands Playing at Suffern Street Fair

From: Jeff
Sent on: Friday, June 12, 2009, 7:17 PM
We have members of the Good Vibrations Meetup playing this Sunday, June 14th at the Suffern Street Fair. FishCakes and the Fried Daddys(Ray, John and other members) will be playing in the Gazebo and FNY(Stefan's band) will be playing in the courtyard at HSBC Bank. In addition, Slippery Chicken will be playing in front of Caffe Dolce.

Come on down and support our members - and have a great time at the fair. There will be a psychic fair, over 100 vendors, food and pony rides and petting zoo for the kids. It will be a great chance to see our meet-up members performing for the public.

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