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Tuesday 7/6 game

From: Ryan D.
Sent on: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 4:38 PM
Hey everyone,

just a reminder that we do have a game this week on Tuesday. It is at 7:30pm and we need subs! I need one guy and 3 girls to play on Tuesday night if at all possible. Girls--please respond and let me know ASAP if you can make it or we will have to forfeit for the first time! This week I know Laz, Dara, and Rosa will be unavailable. I am expecting Peter to sub and as mentioned, will need one more guy if we can get 3 girls to sub. Also on the table--I am buying dinner and drinks afterward IF we beat this team.

Hope you're up to the challenge!


p.s. for anyone interested in batting practice/tips I will be at the fields early (i.e. 6:30pm) We will work on identifying balls and strikes to maximize our walks and hits.

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