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Tuesday softball

From: Kristen W.
Sent on: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 10:53 PM
Hey everyone,

a few things...

First, Tuesday's game (July 13th) is at 6:30pm. Please let me know ASAP if you are unavailable. Try to be there by 6pm if you can--game will start promptly at 6:30. We will need at least one male and one female sub.

Second, we have had so many rainouts that the league is going to have to have some of our make up games in August. Though the next few weeks will be played on Tuesday, we will have at least one game rescheduled for a Sunday. The question the league wants to know we want to play on multiple Sundays or schedule a double header on just one sunday? Any input ASAP would be appreciated.

Third, its time to start thinking about our fall team. I would like to know soon if anyone is interested in returning/playing on Tuesday nights for the Hoffman Estates 14" co-rec league.



[address removed]

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