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This is your friendly public announcement

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 1:13 PM

Hope your in the festive spirit for the Christmas and New Years season.

Some fun and exciting things coming up. Always keep an eye on your emails and the calendar. Thank you to all that are helping with events.

I would like to address a concern. Let's be respectable on our RSVP's. When someone is setting things up, it is hard to guess. So PLEASE, PLEASE RSVP, ASAP to help in planning. If things change, please let the Host know as soon as possible.


One last thing, it's that time again. I will be cleaning up the list. If you have been with us more than 30 days, please get me the huge lifetime membership fee of $20. Catch me at an up coming event or use the Pay Pal on the site. If you have questions, feel free to call.


Thank you for your help and support. I feel with the recent changes and help from the volunteers, we are getting better. Remember, this is your group. If you have ideas or concerns get with one of us or be at the monthly planning meeting.


I think it's time for another Scavenger Hunt!!!! Anybody want to organize one?


Thank you and hope to see you soon at an event.




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