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Fwd: NSYC-Wed - Sept 28- "Beyond Patagonia - The Northwest Passage"

From: AlanCIYC
Sent on: Friday, September 23, 2016, 10:51 AM

From: wpalafox <[address removed]>
Date: September 23, 2016 at 10:45:56 AM EDT
To: [address removed]
Subject: NSYC-Wed - Sept 28- "Beyond Patagonia - The Northwest Passage"

Fellow Sailors,

 All cordially welcomed, however, please RSVP to 

The previous presentation, "Easter Island and Patagonia" on Sept 14 by skipper Richard Hudson was very well attended and received.  Since he has also traversed the Northwest Passage, he has graciously offered to talk about his adventures there on Sept 28 at NSYC.  Please see below.

Best regards,

Bill Palafox
The Northwest Passage
“Sails of Issuma”
Guest Speaker and Skipper:  Richard Hudson
North Shore Yacht Club – Wed - Sept 28 - 7:30PM
As if sailing to Easter Island and Patagonia and beyond was not enough, Richard Hudson has successfully tackled the famed Northwest Passage and has again offered to share his adventures.
The Northwest Passage -- the Arctic passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, usually blocked by ice, is sometimes navigable.
Richard Hudson's 9,000 mile journey started in Toronto on May 2, 2011, and ended June 3, 2012, when he docked in Victoria.  Giant icebergs, pack ice, gales, fierce headwinds and equipment failures had not deterred him.
Greenland was the first major stopping point in his exciting voyage. Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, Bellot Strait, Cambridge Bay, Ulukhaktok and Barrow, Alaska were on the route he chose.  While in the Bering Strait, he sailed within 19 miles of Russia.
After reaching Dutch Harbor, Alaska, he headed out UnimakPass to the Pacific Ocean.  Chignik, Kodiak, Yakutat and Hoonah, Alaska were other stops made as the autumn weather worsened.
After wintering in Sitka, Alaska, he sailed singlehanded to Victoria in May and June, 2012.

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