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Important News

From: Raheem H.
Sent on: Thursday, May 9, 2013, 4:22 PM

Good Afternoon Members:


I just wanted to go over some important details as we roll into the summer season and near our first year anniversary. :)


Today May 9th we have launched our "Light the Night Walk" Oct 26th campaign our Goal is $500 that's $1 from every member together we can double that. As of today we have raised $75. Please use the link in the MeetUp event post to donate directly and send it to your friends. We also have buttons available now when you donate ANY amount with t-shirts to follow late summer.


Join us on May 17th at Tangier for Board and Drinks (water is consider a drink) This is a great time to meet new members and network. Please join us more details available on our groups page.


June 22nd we are going to Dorney Park! $20 is due May 20th to hold your seat. For more information please call or text me[masked].


And Lastly you can always suggest an event and like us on FaceBook :)

Thanks again for being apart of iServePhilly your connect to Philadelphia



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