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Tabletop Gaming

Photo of Dave Wittmann
Hosted By
Dave W.
Tabletop Gaming


We meet to play board games. We encourage you to bring your own games (If you don't, that's fine, we have plenty). From the games brought, we choose games to play, break into groups, and play.
Then we do it again. And again. And again. And again. Until it gets late and everybody decides to go home.
If you come to our Meetup to play, that's what you can expect.

Some people arrive late, and some people have to leave early. That's okay, games end and games start at different times throughout the night. If you have to leave in a limited time (for example: 30, 45, 60, 90, or 120 min), we can choose a game that fits that time. If a group's game ends before another game ends, and the game is almost done, they'll wait till it ends, so that both games can start at the same time, and you can choose which game to play or which people to play with. If the game isn't almost done, if it's going to last a while, they'll start a new game, but will consider choosing a game that ends at the same time. We like to give choices.

If you don't know how to play the games, we'll teach you.
You're welcome to bring your own food and drink.
We love to play games. We Meetup to meet new people who like to play games, so that we can play more games. We'd love to meet you. Meet new gamers. Come game with us!

Bring your friends!

What games do we play?
I log my games played on Board Game Geek (BGG):
This information is broken down by month,
but you can specify a date range
(or you can change the Format in other ways).
Click on [By Date] for date, game, and location.
Click on [By Game] for games by name in alphabetical order / number of times played.

This BGG Extended Stats page lists my games played by location:
To see just the games I've played at Appleton CoWorking,
scroll down the left column, "Location", to Appleton CoWorking.

Here are 12 games we play a lot:
3-Dragon Ante
7 Wonders
Alien Frontiers
Castles of Burgundy
Colt Express
Lords of Waterdeep
Power Grid
Here are over 100 more we sometimes play:

Here's a discussion of: What games do we play?
Some members on BGG have shared a link to their games played and/or collection in the discussion.

Many of our events are at Appleton CoWorking where Michael Wheeler, our Organizer, has an office, so he keeps his games there so they can be played.
He keeps track of his collection on BGG:

Before Green Apple Board Gamers was on Meetup, it was on Facebook,
and it still is:

Green Apple Board Gamers is on
BoardGameGeek » Forums » Game Groups » United States » Midwest:

After 6 pm (and on Sundays and holidays), parking is free.
Before 6 pm, free parking is 2 and 1/2 blocks away -
go north on Morrison St; cross Washington St, Franklin St, and Harris St:
parking is free north of Harris St.
Kitty-corner at the NW corner of Morrison/Washington is a parking ramp.

Photo of Green Apple Board Gamers group
Green Apple Board Gamers
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Appleton CoWorking
120 N Morrison St #101 · Appleton, WI