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What we’re about

This meetup is about connecting with and finding support with other plant medicine people in order to integrate our experiences and build community. By plant medicine people we mean people who use plant medicines such as Ayahuasca, San Pedro, mushrooms, cannabis, etc. for spiritual purposes.
In this meetup we tend to talk a lot about Ayahuasca because it is the medicine that many of us have experience with. Ayahuasca seems more conducive to community building, especially in the integration phases after using the medicine.
This meetup is growing and evolving. So far many of our meetups have been discussions of personal experiences with plant medicines, which have been quite interesting and engaging, although not necessarily the best for newcomers. We would like to expand meetup activities and offer more things. You are welcome to come share your ideas. Anything related to spiritual healing, whether it be plant medicines, meditation, or reiki can be an important part of this community. 
Please be aware of the legal status of these medicines. We do not support any kind of illegal activities during meetups. Please do not come to our meetup to offer or ask for any kinds of illegal substances.
Topics we often discuss at this meetup: 
• Plant medicines/teachers (Ayahuasca, San Pedro, cannabis, DMT, mushrooms, etc.) 
• Shamans and plant medicine ceremonies 
• Integration of spiritual experiences
• Various kinds of energy work and healing
I recommend informing yourself a bit before coming to the meetup. Here are a few sources of info to help you get started:
Truth of Reality - a pretty good documentary about shamans and Ayahuasca - an alternative news website focusing on plant medicines - an excellent podcast with 100's of podcasts on various topics related to plant medicines.

Upcoming events (4+)

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