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New Meeting: Save the City Heights' Swan Canyon!

From: Jan S.
Sent on: Friday, April 4, 2008, 2:09 PM
Announcing a new meeting for San Diego Green Economy!

What: Save the City Heights' Swan Canyon!

When: Saturday, May 3, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Any and all interested in canyon preservation. If you sign up, be sure to also register with Aquatic Adventures. (detail in description below).

Why: It's green, fun, and good.

Meeting Description: This event is brought to our group by Kari from Aquatic Adventures, a non-profit in San Diego focused on Science education for urban youth and communtiy development around stewardship of the environment. They are hosting a very large community volunteer event on May 3rd (6th annual). They hope to have more than 1,000 volunteers and are getting close. Please help Aquatic Adventures reach out to others who care
about the San Diego Environment.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Join volunteers on a mission possible to save the unique habitat of City Heights' Swan Canyon! Kids and adults become avengers as they take part in the largest volunteer event of its kind.

- Plant native species and remove invasive plants and trash for the benefit of wildlife, water, habitats & humans.
- Join kids in canyons and participate in an interactive tour to learn the importance of wetland habitat.
- Create a school garden and trails so that everyone can enjoy nature in their neighborhood.
- Enjoy activities, music and a free raffle.
- Register in advance to receive a free t-shirt and lunch.

TO REGISTER or for more information, contact:
Elizabeth Horpedahl
tel. [masked] ext.208
[address removed]

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