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What we’re about

Our meetup group consists of people coming from companies, PhD/Master students. We are interested in having a community of data-scientists in Grenoble so as to learn and work on interesting projects.

Why is it interesting? Well, do you know:
-- Given the data about passengers, the computer algorithms are able to predict if a passenger would have survived Titanic crash with 99% accuracy. 
-- soon your car insurance costs would be computed automatically with your past history of driving.
-- the movie suggestions on Netflix are all personalized for you based on your past ratings.
-- When you apply for a loan, the algorithms in bank give you a credit rating, depending upon your past account history.
-- GPS navigator analyzes the driving routes of humans, in order to generate time saving "human-like" suggestions for routes.

So if you are fascinated by data-science, machine learning, data-visualizations or maths, feel free to drop by for the next meet-up. Even if you have no idea about the topics, but you have desire to learn, do drop by!