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A Message From Our Sponsor: Share the Simple Holiday Cheer!

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, December 22, 2011, 3:45 PM
Hello Everyone,
Here is a message from one of our sponsors, Simply Orange. If you haven't been able to get free coupons for their orange juice yet, I'll distribute the rest on the next few events I host over the next couple months.

Share the simple holiday cheer!

Simply Orange
Simply Orange® would like to thank you again for choosing Simply to support your Meetup Group! As we approach the holidays, Simply Orange hopes the time you spend with family and friends is full of pure goodness.
We know that planning for the holidays can be stressful, but remember that keeping things simple this season will guarantee that you will enjoy every last second.

In the spirit of the season, our Simply Orange Facebook Community would love for you to share how Simply has benefitted your Meetup. Join the conversation on the Simply Orange Facebook Page by becoming a fan and sharing the ways your Meetup Group is living simply.
When you upload photos from your events or post on our wall about your Meetups, we'll make sure it's featured on our page and shared with our fans.

Simply Orange