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What we’re about

Welcome to H.O.T.! This group was started so like-minded hikers could meet others who enjoy outdoor activities. Studies shows just 20 minutes a day of being outdoors can improve your well being! We are all social creatures and what better way of improving your mental and physical health than by exploring this beautiful island!

We do collect a $5 membership fee for meetup dues on your first hike....then it's free from then on. Please bring cash and pay the hike leader. Of course if you want to donate more $ that is also appreciated.

Participation is strictly voluntarily so you are at YOUR OWN RISK! H.O.T. or any fellow members are not held responsible for any injuries or mishaps that may occur on the scheduled hikes/outings.  As always, we do our best to ensure a safe, fun and exciting environment for everyone so please do your best to offer the same.

Please take a minute to read through some of the policies we have put in place to ensure the safety of all members and of the group.
Legal Disclaimer:
Sexual Harassment:
Posting of Events:
Using Real Names:

Yes, we are H.O.T! :)