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Re: RE: [nyc-hadoop] [JOB] Software Engineer (Java/Ruby) - New York City

From: Dirk
Sent on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 10:59 AM

Hey BG-


I don’t typically step in but you aren’t doing our profession any favors. My employees full on tell candidates who we are working with; how else can they gauge if they are interested or not? Your description, though without a company name was not hard to figure out it was Intent Media. Good candidates will go around you with an archaic mindset like that, but come to you if you are open, honest and they see the value add of using your service. Also, who makes fake job descriptions?


To the group- I apologize for taking the email thread off topic, but ask that you don’t judge the whole with the actions of one.



Dirk E Zondag Jr: SVP of Technical Recruitment
Elevate Recruiting Group:

Description: new elevate smallDescription: new linkedin smallDescription: T2Description: F


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