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Hadoop World: NYC - Register Today, save $100

From: Alex D.
Sent on: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 12:25 PM
Hadoop Fans,

as I'm sure many of you have heard, Cloudera is organizing the inaugural Hadoop World event in our backyard.

ContextWeb, along with a few other companies in NYC will be speaking, and we're pretty excited to have such a large Hadoop event on the east coast.

Hadoop World: NYC 2009, like the west coast summit, will have a deeply technical track for developers and administrators opened by Hadoop's creator Doug Cutting from Cloudera. There will also be tracks dedicated to enterprise applications and extensions for Hadoop, preceded by three days of training prior to the event. This is your chance to see what many other large companies are doing with Hadoop from Visa, to JPMorganChase, to the usual suspects like Yahoo! and Facebook.

More details:

After talking with our friends at Cloudera, we came to the conclusion that many people in this meetup group will probably attend, but haven't registered yet. That's understandable given how close it is, but it's a real pain for the organizers when people register at the last minute. All these details like food and room layout are way easier with a more accurate count. To that end, if you register *today* using the following link, registration is $100 cheaper:

- this code expires in the wee hours of the morning on September 12th.

See you there

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