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What we’re about

Do you wish you could practice English in a fun, natural setting? Why not "Hangout in English!" with a professional English teacher.

What to expect...
You'll meet some new and friendly local people looking for an "out of class experience" where they can hang out and practice their English conversational skills. You'll get to know the other members and also participate in interesting discussions guided by a native speaker/experienced English teacher in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

And we are joining forces with the Zürich Networking Group to host combined events together. There are many friendly business professionals in this group who are open to mingling with Swiss and international people who call Zürich their home. It makes our group more dynamic and fun.

Something extra...
It is not an English class. However, members are encouraged to join our mailing list to receive monthly newsletters. They include articles to read and short videos to watch to help you build your vocabulary, with a touch of English or American modern culture, humor or news.

Learning support through translation, tips and the latest learning apps/tools are also shared.  And of course, reminders of upcoming Hangout in English sessions.

Take a peek at past newsletters and register today!

Additional benefit - Zürich Networking Group membership
Rather than paying for attendance of each event, why not consider becoming a member of our partner: Zürich Networking Group.

At a cost of CHF 50.00, you can attend our professional co-events free of charge or at discounted rates.

All the best,

Rose Travers

P.S. Please be sure to share a picture of yourself in your profile. Those without pictures of themselves, I'm afraid, will not be accepted into the group. We want to promote trust amongst our members.