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BVSD LLL- Laughter Yoga Classes

From: Jennifer L.
Sent on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 9:52 AM

Hi laughing folk,

Just a quick email to let you know that I will be teaching Laughter Yoga in the Boulder Valley School District Lifelong Learning Program (BVSD LLL) this Spring. There will be two class sessions, each running 4 weeks. I'm looking forward to teaching!

If you would like to 'lighten up' and have a lot of fun while deepening your relationship with yourself and others through laughter and positivity, then I invite you to check this out.

Each class will include specific stretching sequences, breathwork practices, fun and energizing laughter exercises as well as short meditations to re-focus your mind and heart.

These practices are specifically designed to relax and regulate the system, move stuck energy, and create connection in your body, mind, and soul. There will also be weekly suggested assignments to help anchor the practice of Laughter Yoga into your life.

Happy Hearts Laughter Yoga is a supportive and positive atmosphere in which you have 'permission' and encouragement to express happiness and joy in a playful, authentic way!

SESSION ONE begins on Tuesday, April 15 from 6:30- 7:30 pm and will be held at Monarch H.S. in Louisville. SESSION TWO begins on Tuesday, May 20 from 6:30- 7:30 pm will be held at Southern Hills Middle School in Boulder. The cost for each session is $49.

Will you join us??

Learn more and sign up here:


Jennifer Lennon


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