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New Years Eve Party... 12/31/07, 9pm .. Not on the Calendar

From: Patty
Sent on: Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 12:35 PM
Hi All,

Just a reminder that if you would like to attend a New Years Eve Party in Beautiful Southpark (about 4 miles south of downtown) in a house given by a friend of mine, please send me an email. (You can just send the email to me, not the entire group.) I will give you details when I get your email.

Generally there are 25 or more people at these parties. Couples and singles are welcome! In fact, I would like to get more singles there.. so let me know!!

It is BYOB.

Party starts at 9pm. You can drop in or if a few people want to meet somewhere first let me know. I can pick a few people up who live in the downtown area. You can bring friends, your spouse, S.O. , or come alone and meet some new people!




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