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What we’re about

Meet with the local Python community in Heidelberg. Whatever your skill level may be, you are welcome in the group!

For our meetups to be successful, we need awesome talks from awesome people like you ✨.

We are always looking for talks from all kinds of folks, and the next talk at one of our meetups could be yours!

🟢 The talks can be any topic as long as it is around Python.
🟠 The level of the talk can be any. From the most advanced things you are working on up to the most basic of talks.
🔴 If you want to propose a talk but do not know how we will help you prepare the talk, the slides, the presentation, anything you need!

Stop thinking about giving a talk and propose a talk today!

Propose a Talk on this ticket or send us a quick note:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact any of the organizers❗️

I hope to see you all soon.

Upcoming events (4+)

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