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See you all tonight at 9:30! Downtown LA bar / club crawl

From: Jason
Sent on: Saturday, September 19, 2015, 7:49 PM

We have a group of 30 to 50 coming out with us tonight. Several other Meet Ups have been invited. You can still join us by reserving online or just meet us at the check in.

See you then!


Downtown LA has quickly become a popular nightlife destination for locals and tourists and we will party at 4 different venues on Saturday September 19th!

Meet us at Mrs Fish for check in at 930 for drink specials and to meet the other guests. From there, our hosts lead the group to Continental Club / Crocker Club and Exchange LA.

This is a great chance to explore downtown LA nightlife with our hosts and 50 other guests

Please purchase tickets $25 / 4 venues:  CLICK HERE

Downtown LA Club Crawl line up:

Mrs Fishaquarium themed bar / 930 check in

Continental ClubUltra club / lounge

Crocker ClubDJ / dance floor in an old bank vault

Exchange LA Massive 4-level nightclub


Mrs Fish Aquarium bar - 930 Club Crawl check in spot

Exchange LA - Massive 4-level nightclub