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A Meetup Member Needs Your Help

From: Sieg D.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 11:58 AM

Hello fellow meetup members,

For many of us, our tennis group is more than an organization.  It's like an extended family.  Recently one of our own, Olivia Woods, suffered a stroke and for a time was in intensive care.  While in intensive care, her husband also passed away.

Olivia is new in this area and has no family nearby and few friends to help her.  Although she is making good progress in her recovery, there are mounting medical expenses.

A GoFundMe account has been set up to assist Olivia and can be accessed at this link:

Or you can go to the GoFundMe website and search for Olivia Woods.

Every contribution, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated.  Even if you can't afford to donate, please consider spreading the word about this campaign.

Just a kind word or encouraging thought can mean so much to someone trying to put their life back together.  Please send Olivia a message through our meetup website (Members > search for Olivia Woods) and let her know that you're thinking of her.

Thank you to everyone for making our meetup the special place that it is.

Sieg Dugas
Organizer - Hornets Nest Park Tennis Meetup Group