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We start in 2 hours ~ Real Estate Investing for Small Business Owners

From: Julie P.
Sent on: Saturday, September 22, 2018, 8:00 AM

Good morning, its Julie with a final reminder that we start in 2 hours @ 10am today, Saturday 22nd from 10am to noon for “Real Estate Investing for Small Business Owners”! We will be at BeYoutiful Anti-Aging Studio at 8200 Westglen, Houston, TX (Free parking on either side of the building).

Jo Anna Wright is here from Pennsylvania and is excited to share her top secrets with you about big tax write offs that small businesses may be missing out on among other tips and strategies to help you create wealth and keep as much of it as possible.

If you haven’t already RSVP'd and would like to attend, or if you’d like to bring a guest, please register here!

Please arrive on time to get some networking in before we start.

See you there!

Sponsored by: Kay McCunis of BeYoutiful Anti-Aging Studio, 8200 Westglen, Houston, TX

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