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What we’re about

[Currently we are doing ONLINE events due to the corona virus situation - this is to support those of you who are at home with little or no access to leading edge virtual business education and online/virtual networking opportunities.]
We are a community of experienced entrepreneurs, visionaries and business owners looking to network, learn, teach and collaborate with others like us. We are open to teaching new people who join our events as well.
You will gain the following from joining this group:
1. GAIN A LEADING EDGE: Education and Training to help stabilize if not breakthrough your current levels of performance as a visionary, entrepreneur or business owner - to take you from surviving to thriving to joyful productivity.
2. QUALITY CONNECTIONS: Connect with creative, non-linear thinking as well as management oriented leaders - the best of both worlds.
3. UPBRAND & UPLEVEL YOUR THINKING AND APPROACH - Uncover the strategies, philosophies and contextual shifts that can uplift you, your brand, your company... and your team.
4. SCALE & GROW: How breakthrough level thinking, strategy, philosophy and marketing can get you to more than just a sustainable plateau.
Kinds of events we hold:
1. ONLINE and IN-PERSON networking events.
2. ONLINE and IN-PERSON training and educational classes designed to inspire, stimulate and pull you into action.
3. and much more!
What is next for you?
Come discover who you can grow into and what you can accomplish.
Discover who you can friend, mentor or be mentored by ... to make yourself a better leader and perhaps make this world a much better and safer place for us all.
Please Join This Group ASAP.
See you very soon. 
Sunil Bhaskaran

More information on Sunil
ALIGNABLE free to join:

Please join our Global Small Business School, where you can learn to network effectively in the USA. 
We will be adding other courses soon at this link above; Time management, productivity for entrepreneurs, doing effective and compelling
sales presentations, marketing strategy and much more.  Please go to the link above and join the email list at the bottom of the page if you wish to be alerted.

For more groups to join - Startup & Tech, Social Media, Blogging & Content Marketing, Writing, Social Events & Training,
Worldwide groups to join and much much more, go to

Our twice a month Nationwide Business Networking events (we have people from all over USA, Canada and globally attending)
typically get 30-50 attendees (business professionals and owners).
To learn more, please go to

To get a list of all our business networking and educational groups and to learn about them or join them, please go to  and scroll down to see the list.

Upcoming events (2)

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