What we’re about
Our mission is to advance humanism, an ethical and life-affirming philosophy free of belief in any gods and other supernatural forces. Advocating for equality for non-theists and a society guided by reason, empathy, and our growing knowledge of the world, the Humanist Forum promotes a worldview that encourages individuals to live informed and meaningful lives that aspire to the greater good.
Our discussion topics include issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, evolution, the nature of the universe, love, the capacities of the brain, free will, the latest scientific research and discoveries, and other topics of mutual interest. Our events are open to the public.
We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) chapter of the American Humanist Association.
If you would like to be a Voting Member, our annual dues are $25, or $10 for full-time students. Donations of any amount are also welcome. To donate online, please visit Paypal.com and send your payment to humanistforumsouthbend@gmail.com. To pay by check, click on the "pages" tab on the meetup home page, then click on "Contribution Form", all information is included there. Cash payments will be accepted by Rita Prangle or Ryan Mullet.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- New Documentary, "Preconceived "St. Joseph County Public Library - Leighton Auditorium, South Bend, IN
The public is invited to a free screening of the new documentary, Preconceived, which traces the negative reproductive health effects of the rise of “crisis pregnancy centers” and the shifting of public health funds to private and religious agencies.
IN Rep. Maureen Bauer will contextualize the film with insights about local and statewide funding shifts in public health and Alan Engel MD will discuss the effect on reproductive health. We’ll conclude with action steps for better reproductive health outcomes in our community. For questions about the event: aprillidinsky@gmail.com
Humanists will assemble inside the building entrance, then we'll enter the auditorium as a group.