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Go 5K event of the women, by the women and for the women.

From: D V M.
Sent on: Thursday, February 28, 2013, 5:32 PM


Dear esteemed female members,


As you are aware, our Hyderabad Bicycling Club along with 10 K Run Foundation is organizing a major event for women viz., Go 5 K on the coming Sunday ie., 3rd March, 2013, the Sunday before the International Women’s day on 8th March, 2013. Our General Secretary Arvind Chenji has already posted this event on HBC Meetup site.  In this event, the participants can cycle or jog or just walk 5 kms.  It would be flagged off by Ms Chandana Khan, Spl Chief Secretary, Govt of Andhra Pradesh and Ms Ranjana Kumar first ever female CMD of a nationalized bank as well as first ever female Central Vigilance Commissioner, Govt of India along with several female achievers. 


The event would commence at 6:30 am on Sunday the 3rd March, 2013 at People’s Plaza, Necklace Road.  As you could see, it is an event of the women , by the women and for the women.  We the males would be only lending the necessary support for the event.  In view of the recent unsavory happenings in respect of women in our country, it would be befitting for the female members of HBC to attend this event in large numbers and join this display of the might of the women.  HBC is fortunate to have a large number of female members and I earnestly request all of you to participate in the above event and make it a grand success. 


There is a registration fee of Rs 50/- being charged by the 10 K Run Foundation and you would get a cap and a bib.  You can register online on our HBC Meetup site or at our Bike Station at Necklace Road.  In case you need a cycle, then another Rs 50 shall be paid towards the same.  If you register on the HBC Meetup site, you can collect your kit from the HBC counter at the venue.  If you need a bike, you shall collect the same from our Bike station before hand.  For any further details, please contact Srinivas at our Bike Station on[masked].


I very much look forward to your participation in large numbers in the above prestigious event.


With best regards,