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Re: [bike-252] COMMUTE TO WORK

From: Jinendra J.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 4:27 PM
Check Puma stores. I baught one and is helpful. also you can check decathlon.

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Ramesh Malisetti <[address removed]> wrote:

Great to see so many inspiring stories. I have been riding cycle for two years, but took to office very few times just because I found hard to carry my laptop and lunch box.  Can anyone please suggest the best ways to carry laptop and a pair of clothes to change? Any online portal link which has the accessories?

Thank you

Sent from Samsung Galaxy Note 2

On Jul 7,[masked]:24 PM, "disha ghosal" <[address removed]> wrote:
This is the first time that I am mailing u all.. its so inspiring to see all of u be so conscious about Mother Earth .
My daughter,all of 9 would like to cycle around town( with me of course) do u think its safe ? ( especially with traffic ) but I want her to learn because it has to be way of life ! 
Awesome idea of a foldable cycle.. please could I get suggestions on which one to pick ... from where ... and whats the price range ...
Thank u so much for keepin my angel nd me motivated :) 
Pinky aka Disha

Sent from my iPhone

On 07-Jul-2014, at 6:01 pm, Vidhyashankar Kannan <[address removed]> wrote:

Thank you Giri,

Foldable bikes are indeed nice but you need to be sure that you will want to fold and unfold it 4 times a day. Also, if the buses are cramped, it is a little more painful to carry. But I would still do it to save petrol and stay healthy. Petrol bunk strikes would never affect you.
Biking to work in a way in better than pleasure rides because you cannot skip going to office. You have to work everyday and so have to take the bike. And Dilsukhnagar to Gachibowli is 25 kms. Long distance. If you can do it, that will be wonderful. Again, the MMTS and folding bike might be the best option for you. If you do manage it, please let us know. Will be great to hear your experience.


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 4:36 PM, Giri Kolanupaka <[address removed]> wrote:
Very interesting blog Vidhyashankar garu. I really liked your blog:

These discussions are making me tempted to come back again on commuting by bike. I have a few queries:

1. I liked the idea of using foldable bike (I am looking at BTWin Hoptown 1, cheapest of all) for commuting and using MMTS and city buses. Any one else do the same and have any issues/difficulties/suggestions?
2. I prefer getting the work done by biking than pleasure rides. The work done may also give the pleasure. So, for this, are there any one commuting from Dilsukhnagar area to Gachibowli? I prefer going with a company. We can set a time and day for this commute.

Thank you all for wonderful efforts,


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Vidhyashankar Kannan <[address removed]> wrote:

It is good that you are doing 15-20 kms in the evenings. But as you have rightly said, the difference in going from Alwal to Madhapur is

Continuous stopping and accelerating - This saps you out faster than continuous smooth riding
Pollution - makes you tired after a while
Daylight - The sun again makes you tired soon as compared to the lovely evening breeze in the cantt area.

Try it out and see. Cycling in traffic needs a little more energy than on empty smooth surfaces. you can do it for sure but it can also be a pain. If you have time, then by all means, set an example!


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 3:50 PM, purushotham <[address removed]> wrote:
Thanks sir. As I mentioned in my previous thread, I do 15 to 20kms (min 5days in week) riding daily in the evenings(between 7 and 10) in cantt area on my Road Runner Pro. I do enjoy a lot cycling in the lush green area. To test once, I rode once from Madhapur to Alwal in hot noon. oops, tired a lot, not because of distance and its because of lot of pollution. Will try to do atleast once during monsoon. :)

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Vidhyashankar Kannan <[address removed]> wrote:

Cycling from Alwal to Madhapur is a large effort. It is 22 kms and you will spend an hour easy going one way. I salute you if you try this. But please make sure you have that kind of time to cycle 2 hours everyday. It is not impossible but perhaps a better idea is to take the MMTS upto one stage and maybe have a folding cycle to do the remaining to office. Of course folding cycles are quite expensive and your budget may not permit. But if you do manage this even 2 days in a week, its amazing!

Send us an update of your experience if you start cycling on this route. It goes through cantonement and industrial areas.


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 3:15 PM, purushotham <[address removed]> wrote:
That's nice to hear Shankar sir. Will try one day to commute from my home(Alwal) to office (Madhapur) :)
IS there anybody in this route who are biking?

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 2:41 PM, Vidhyashankar Kannan <[address removed]> wrote:
I find this thread interesting. I was also waiting to see if there were any senior "cycle to work" guys. As I have 5 min now, let me give my side of the story:

Been cycling to work now for 6 years everyday except in May when the sun is too hot. It is not impossible to cycle in May but the time taken for the body's temperature to return to normal after the ride is high. As I cannot waste too much time in office waiting to cool down, I stay off cycling in the hottest month

It has been an exhilarating experience since now and I have no intentions of letting go. I have crossed an age of 40 and am at the peak of my health. Cycling has helped me regain my lost stamina, enough to play with my children for long hours without getting tired.

There are NO issues with traffic ever. The trick is to stay very alert and pedal with the traffic. I ensure that I ride at 25 km/hr or more speed to stay with the traffic. Everyone respects you as long as you respect yourself. If you think you are a lowly cyclist, then go to the left of the road and pedal slowly at 12 km/hr. You will get home safe and without much adventure. If you want to really feel the thrill of cycling, pedal in traffic, learn to change gears quickly and accelerate fast. You will enjoy the thrill of staying in front.

Rains are the best time according to me. nothing beats getting drenched, pounding away on the pedals and cutting through water and traffic. I reduce my tire pressure a bit to ensure higher grip and move on. A sealed bottom bracket helps as the water cannot get into the crank. And I have NEVER been stuck in a jam in 6 years. The pavements are my territory or I simply pick up the cycle and put it across the divider to find a way home.

I have easily completed 15000 kms till now. My initial enthusiasm for having the cyclocomputer and calculating average speeds and top speeds has all gone away now. I have just the rear light to prevent auto drivers from coming too close and I wear a helmet and clear goggles to see everything clearly. My basic motto is to just ride, have oodles of fun and stay healthy. I am happy and my family is happy. And cycling gave me the stamina to sprint 1 km easily.

I have detailed my experiences here. If anyone has the time and interest to read, please do. Most of all, keep riding. It helps in more ways than one. And don't be scared of traffic. Ride confidently, not rashly.


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 2:02 PM, SESHADRI KOTHANDARAMAN <[address removed]> wrote:
Enjoying my second week of biking to work. Ahh... the joy of watching curious onlookers watch me and, sometimes, stop me and ask about  office commuting in general and my bike in particular ...

Pity, I will have to take a break when the rains start.



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Run and leave the future behind !

On 7 July[masked]:46, purushotham <[address removed]> wrote:
Inspired by some of pics and stories in FB, I opted for cycling around 8 months back and I am enjoying it. Bought Road Runner and its nice feeling to ride. I stay in Secunderabad cantonment area(Alwal) and ride every day around 15 to 20kms rounding cantonment lush green and no pollution zone. I ride in the evening between 7 to 10 as morning busy with my son school preparations. :)
Cycling on city main roads is really challenging, not because of huge traffic, but due to heavy pollution. Once I tried from Madhapur to Alwal in the noon hours and got tired a lot due to pollution then I given up idea of cycling to work.
Cycling not only make you healthier it also boosts your confidence levels. :) And when I feel down for cycling, I do take inspiration from Krishna garu. He is true motivator 
Happy riding.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Krishna Mandava <[address removed]> wrote:


Dear Friend,

Out of personal interest and as a regular 'bike to work' person I am interested to know a fellow HBCian who cycles to work on a regular basis come what may...

Little about me - I am a graduate in Agriculture and work for a Govt. Insc. Company.  Been associated with HBC for quite a few years.  Never left cycling from my teen years barring two or three spells of a few months each.  My prime concern is menacing vehicular pollution on roads. My passion is to encourage everyone to experience the wonderful world of utilitarian cycling. Love to see the roads flood with cyclists.

If you are cycling to work passionately on a regular basis, rain or shine, could you please drop a line or share your love for cycling to my personal mail - <[address removed]> !!!

Just Ride & Let Others Ride,

krishna mandava

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Thanks and Regards,
Purushotham Chanda
Arise--Awake, Train, Empower
"If you want to think one year ahead, plant rice
If you want to think 10 years ahead, plant trees
But if you want to think 100 years ahead, give education to people."

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Thanks and Regards,
Purushotham Chanda
Arise--Awake, Train, Empower
"If you want to think one year ahead, plant rice
If you want to think 10 years ahead, plant trees
But if you want to think 100 years ahead, give education to people."

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Thanks and Regards,
Purushotham Chanda
Arise--Awake, Train, Empower
"If you want to think one year ahead, plant rice
If you want to think 10 years ahead, plant trees
But if you want to think 100 years ahead, give education to people."

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Thanks and Best Regards,
Jinendra Jain
