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What we’re about

The Inayati Order International of Greater Boston ( formerly known as the Sufi Order of Greater Boston ) is devoted to meditation instruction, spiritual growth, and the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, and Pir Zia Inayat Khan. It sponsors classes and events occurring around southeastern New England at a number of locations: a constellation of lights. It is a branch of the Sufi Order International, an interfaith international organization.

"Thus the ultimate purpose for which the soul is seeking every moment of our life, is our spiritual purpose. And you may ask how to attain to that purpose. The answer is that what you are seeking for is within yourself. Instead of looking outside, you must look within. The way to proceed to accomplish this is for some moments to suspend all your senses such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, in order to put a screen before the outside life; and by concentration and by developing that meditative quality you will sooner or later get in touch with the inner self which is more communicative, which speaks more loudly than all the noises of this world; and this gives joy, creates peace, and produces in you a self-sufficient spirit, a spirit of independence, of true liberty." -- Hazrat Inayat Khan