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Join us this Friday the 19th for Live Sharks Tank episode 55 !

From: David M.
Sent on: Thursday, January 18, 2018, 9:25 PM

Join us this Friday the 19th for Live Sharks Tank episode 55 !

Hello to all Startup founders and enthusiasts.

This Friday the 19th, we're hosting another Live Sharks Tank demo & pitch event with a variety of Startups prepared to present their innovations to the investor-judges, and you, the Crowd.

Everyone aged 21 years or more is invited to choose their favorite startup, then, stay for the VIP after-party at Live Sharks Tank episode 55 at Temple SF. 540 Howard Street San Francisco, CA.  Doors open at 6 pm.  To attend the event get your tickets here:

Our mission is clear: Startups Showcase Group is dedicated to helping every startup succeed. Startup founders apply to pitch here:

Thank you,

Startups Showcase Group

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