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About Indian Infosec Consortium

As a people-driven Nation, the Indian Infosec Consortium is a group of the Nation’s leading Information Security experts and researchers which has a large number of Cyber Security member professionals in India who constantly protect the economy of this Nation and its Cyber Space from continuous security threats posed by hackers.

A Not-For-Profit Section-8 organization, the Indian Infosec Consortium is consulted about, and often makes policy recommendations concerning the full range of issues where understandings from the domain of Information technology, Cyber security, Research and innovation bear potentially on the policy choices before the Indian Government.

Objectives of Indian Infosec Consortium

1.  To put forward recommendations to the Government and Industry for Cyber security policies and implementations

2.  Act as an apex body for promoting the Indian Information Security Industry

3.  Connect as the face of Information Security Awareness in India with initiatives that impact large scale communities in a positive and responsible manner

4.  Act as a body that provides strategic insight for Internal and external security in India at Policy level

5.  Act as a body in Asia for cooperation and information exchange that can assist in improving the National security of India