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Mobile Technology Developer Research Panel

From: troy k.
Sent on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 1:22 PM

Mobile Technology Developer Research Panel


Be part of a select group of mobile developers and work with the investment industry as they evaluate future opportunities in the mobile market. 



·         Compensation: to you or your company for your time!

·         Tangible report data: Receive relevant mobile business data that will assist in your own market strategy;

·         Network:  with other members of the developer and investment community;



Pacific Crest is a technology-focused investment firm.  Our Mosaic division conducts primary research and publishes those results to a select set of institutional investor clients.   


What (and privacy policy):

Mosaic is creating an exclusive group of mobile developers who will help us inform our investor clients on the mobile industry through surveys and meetings.  Responses are confidential and only aggregated results will be released.



·         Phase I: October-November 2010 - Gather developer base of contacts

·         Phase II: December 2010 – Conduct first survey

·         Phase III: December 2010 - Process data internally

·         Phase IV: January 2010 - Distribute data to clients and developers


Next Steps: Enter to Win

Log in and complete a brief profile survey and be entered to win one of five Google TV devices and a year’s subscription to Netflix:

We will follow-up with you regarding future surveys and events

Developer Survey

Contact info:

Email:  [address removed]

Phone: [masked]



Troy Kent

Pacific Crest Securities - Mosaic Research Group





Company-specific disclosures can be seen at
Our privacy policy can be seen at

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