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What we’re about

What we do: We are a community that offers instruction related to mindfulness meditation, including classes, day long workshops, extended courses (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and occasional weekend retreats. Instructions are designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
Most classes and workshops are free for all participants. Although a donation amount is suggested, donations are not required for participation. The MBSR courses are not free, but some scholarship is available. While the forms of meditation we practice are rooted in Buddhist teachings, the study and practice of mindfulness and insight meditation is applicable to anyone from any background or religion, and all are welcome.
We are affiliated with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) and the teaching of Tara Brach, Jonathan Foust and Hugh Byrne.
Each class will include: guided meditation, instruction, opportunities to practice, and time for discussion, questions and answers.
When and where: Currently, this Baltimore-based class is paused. Alternatively, there are other drop-in classes with IMCW, including Wednesdays, 7:00PM in Columbia with teacher, Stan Eisenstein. Visit for more details.
Other classes, workshops and courses are provided on an occasional basis. Typically we hold an Introduction to Insight Meditation series, an 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses, and occasional daylong and weekend workshops and retreats. To access our schedule, please follow this link:
We practice Insight Meditation, a style of meditation that helps the mind attain deeper levels of calm concentration through sustained attention on the breath, then combines this with the crucial aspect of insight through contemplation of the mind and body and all of their changing and impermanent senses, emotions and thoughts. Insight Meditation trains us to live more fully in the present moment, enables us to experience life from a greater stillness, and aids us in relating to both ourselves and others with increased clarity, compassion, calmness and creativity, and less fear, anxiety and stress.
Along with these and a long list of other psychological benefits, meditation has also been shown to reduce stress hormones in the body, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, alleviate depression and boost the immune system.
What we offer: Our ongoing drop-in Tuesday evening classes generally consist of one or two half hour semi-guided meditations, mindful movement, a talk on Buddhist principles and their application to daily life, followed by discussion and/or practice.
We offer workshops (typically day long) to help deepen practice. Some of our workshop topics are: Deepening Insight, a Daylong Silent Workshop; Insight Out Loud (working with partners to deepen insight); A Day of Heart Practices; Deepening Presence; and a Relationship Workshop.
Our 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses help students initiate and develop an ongoing daily mindfulness meditation practice. These 8-week courses are designed to help students develop strategies to reduce stress and to relate to their day-to-day experiences in a more calm and creative manner.
We also sponsor Kalyani-Mitta (KM) groups. These are groups that meet outside the normal class hours to discuss Buddhist principles more in depth and to share about how these ideas apply to their personal lives. These groups also help foster deeper connection to other members of the community (sangha).
For more about Mira, visit:

For more about Tawanna, visit:

For more about Silvia, visit:
Questions: Please feel free to contact Mira Tessman at

Upcoming events (4+)

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  • Intro to Self-Inquiry 8-Week Course ONLINE
    Zoom Video Conference, Maryland, MD
    • Photo of Stan Eisenstein
  • Intro to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-Week Course - ONLINE
    Zoom Video Conference, Maryland, MD
    • Photo of Stan Eisenstein
  • Self-Inquiry 8-Week Course ONLINE
    Zoom Video Conference, Maryland, MD
    • Photo of Stan Eisenstein
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-Week Course - ONLINE
    Zoom Video Conference, Maryland, MD
    • Photo of Stan Eisenstein