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What we’re about








We are a community of individuals committed to Insight Meditation practice and we meditate together as a way of strengthening our practice and keeping ourselves grounded amidst our busy lives.   Spending time both in silence and in interaction with like-minded individuals is a core value of this group.  We are a sangha, the term the Buddha used in describing a group such as ours.  Our weekly meetings are the spark that keeps our practice strong and we come not only to support our own practice but to support each other.

We are specifically an Insight Meditation or vipassana group.  Though people from all traditions are welcome, our focus is only on vipassana and metta (lovingkindness) meditation practice.  Together, we will study the implications of the Buddha's teachings as they relate to everyday life.  Our typical schedule is a 30-35 minute sit (I will provide instruction), followed by a short break.  After the break, we will engage in a variety of approaches of study:  I will give monthly dharma talks.  On other Tuesdays, we might discuss a chapter from the book we are currently reading. In the past we have read Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart and works by Pema Chodren .  We will also have dharma discussions on how to apply the teachings to our lives so that we may be more at peace.<br>

All levels of practitioners are welcome as are people from all spiritual traditions.

We meet Tuesday evenings at 7 PM.