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30 May - Portobello & Golbourne Road

From: Instagramers L.
Sent on: Sunday, May 24, 2015, 2:54 PM


Just to update you all about the Portobello meetup.

If you are on the 'RSVPed Yes' list then we look forward to welcoming you at Pedlars at 11am.

If your name is on the Wait List please do come along and join us at the later time of 12.15pm at the same location.

As you can imagine it's going to be very busy so we will disperse in groups and meet up at intervals.  If it's your first ever meetup with us, don't worry - we will have some regular attendees at hand who we can link you up with for the walk.

We'd love you All to come and help us celebrate 150 years of Portobello & Golbourne Market. More will be revealed the day before concerning events taking place.

If you are unable to attend it would be really helpful if you could change your RSVP - Thank You.

I'm visiting Istanbul for a few days.  Due to limited Wifi I may not be able to respond should you have any questions, but do ask anyway and I will endevour to get back to you on my return.

Best Wishes

Michaela :))

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