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The Dreamland Frosted Fairground: Saturday 5 December

From: Instagramers L.
Sent on: Friday, November 27, 2015, 8:21 AM
Dreamland Margate have invited us to the opening of their Frosted Fairground Event on Saturday 5 December.

Here's the info about the day:

Dreamland Margate, the UK’s original pleasure park proudly presents:

Dreamland will be transformed into a magical winter experience and we're inviting you as a Press Guest to the opening day
Saturday 5th December

The Frosted Fairground will be open to the public on weekends and holidays
Saturday 5th December - Sunday 3rd January, 10am-4pm.

Press Guests and their families will be welcomed on the 5th with mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies and will enjoy free park entry and rides - this includes the recently opened 1920s Grade II* Listed Scenic Railway -
plus all the fun of The Frosted Fairground:

Bandstand acts, carols, cooking demos, snow machines, Christmas tree decorating, flash choirs, the Secret Story Time Shed, parlour games, Secret Emporium Market, Christmas Parade with Dreamland mascots Teddy & Betty, Jazz Delorean’s Seaside Xmas Review, JoJo’s School of Dance, London Dixieland Jazz Band, Female Clown Dott Cotton, Salvation Army bands, The Promettes, punk choir Perhaps Contraption, Coca-Cola Truck, food stalls including carvery, hog roast and cheese van and the truly festive Father Christmas’s Grotto.

That's not all. On top of all of this, your Press pass will allow you free entry to
Big Fish Little Fish’s family event the Jingle Bell Ball in The Ballroom, featuring DJ Alex Paterson of The Orb. (1-3pm).

Father Christmas and his elves will be at The Frosted Fairground in the Grotto
and on the 5th, (after the park closes), he will meet our Press Guests’ children, (recommended for ages 3-9yrs). Toys, singing and games and a present sponsored by Hornby Hobbies, free for a limited number of press (4pm-4.30pm).

The Grotto tickets and Big Fish Little Fish public tickets may be bought online, as can the guaranteed free entry tickets to the Frosted Fairground.

The new, 16-acre, Dreamland reopened in June 2015 as a £28million redevelopment project to a fantastic reception; the support for Britain’s original pleasure park reimagined has been incredible. We’d like to thank press by inviting you and your families to this day out. We would like to see The Frosted Fairground listed or reviewed, please let us know what you can do. For full listing info on everything happening this winter at Dreamland, go to:

We have FOUR tickets for the event along with free return travel from St Pancras courtesy of South Eastern High Speed (journey time to Margate 90 minutes) and. Further TEN tickets for the event for those who can make their own way there.

The aim is to get the first train after 10am from St Pancras, returning soon adter the event finishes at 4pm.

If tou would like to apply for a ticket please email [address removed] with the title FROSTED FAIRGROUND

In the email please give the following information:

Your full name
Your Instagram account name
Your email address
Whether you wish to be considered for a ticket for train and park entry or just park entry and can make your own way there
That you agree to post a minimum of three photos from the day using the hashtag we will give you

We must receive your email by 7pm on MONDAY 30 NOVEMBER.

Terms and conditions:
1. Emails must contain all the required information and be received by us no later than 7pm on Monday 30 November. Emails that do not contain the full information or are received after the time will not be considered.
2. You must have attended a minimum of THREE meetups with us.
3. If you request park entry only, you must be able to make your own way to Dreamland Margate on the day
4. If we receive more applications than we have available tickets, we will take account of number of meetups attended, number of times you have not shown up to meetups you have RSVPd yes to, and number of followers you have.

Good luck!
The IGersLondon Team

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