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Communication, Community, Country at Ravenswood InterPlaySpace (Sat, 1:00-3:00 pm)

From: Jeff B.
Sent on: Friday, January 20, 2017, 12:11 PM

All are welcome at Ravenswood InterPlaySpace to play around with the words 'Communication', 'Community', and 'Country'. Definitely consider attending if you are not marching and are available.  At this event we'll be doing something more fun and more life-transforming than talking about the meanings of these words.



We'll explore some of our life experiences around interacting with other individuals, in groups, and in the mass population that we are a part of.  At Ravenswood InterPlaySpace, we share our stories, move our bodies, and use our voices as ways to rediscover our experiences, express them and connect with each other.


Learn more about this event and all the logistics at:

Meetup Event Page for Communication,Community, Country

Facebook Event Page for Communication, Community, Country


If this type of event sounds unfamiliar, consider that storytelling, dancing and singing are different ways to communicate about human experiences. At Ravenswood InterPlaySpace we use simple activities developed by InterPlay to enable anyone and everyone to easily express themselves in these ways.



We seek to freely explore topics rather than debate them or argue about them. There aren't enough spaces where people with a wide variety of backgrounds can talk freely about their experiences without feeling pressure to defend themselves. The freedom they find at these events enables everyone to more easily learn from each other and connect with one another.



Please open up the Meetup or Facebook event pages.  Events like this are unique and mostly unheard of. Yet, they are probably more essential to our individual, interpersonal, and collective well beings than we may currently think.



If you believe in this type of work and feel comfortable doing so, please forward this email to others who you think would benefit from learning about this event and the Ravenswood InterPlaySpace.  You can also look for the Facebook and Twitter icons on the Meetup event page.  And, you can share the Facebook event page.



For more information:

1. InterPlay Chicago Meetup Group

2. InterPlay Chicago Facebook Page

3. Description and Videos of InterPlay

4. InterPlay National Website

5. InterPlay Australian Website



Jeff Breting

[address removed]


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