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“Alike” – An Award Winning Short Film (8 min) about Conforming, Awakening, and Playing

From: Jeff B.
Sent on: Friday, June 9, 2017, 12:55 PM

The 2015, award winning short film, “Alike,” sounds an alarm to everyone about muffled voices, crumpled up creativity, and dying dreams.  But it also offers a message of optimism and celebration to those who step off the pavement and into the grass to let their inner kids come out and play.


"Alike" was directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez.  It has received 69 awards in 120 official selections.


You can view the 8-minute film and the 50-second trailer by clicking on the following images and YouTube links.  You can learn more about this film and all the credits at .



These questions came up for me.  How about you?


-Do you feel more like the son or the father?

-Does their commuting, school, and work look familiar?

-Do you tend to be more like the father or more like the son when you notice something out of the ordinary?

-Do you want to add more color in your life, spend time on the green grass, and kick off your shoes for a little while?

-Does somebody in your life want you to spend some time with them in green spaces?

-How often do you let your inner kid point out new possibilities to the adult you?

-What are your green spaces?  Do you want to find more?



Feel free to forward this email to others to share this beautiful film.



Wishing You Lots of Colors,

Jeff Breting



P.S.  Here are Some Links to Green Space Events with InterPlay!

Sat. 6/10, 10:00-11:30 am: Start Your Day With Play


Sat. 6/10, 12:30-3:30 pm: Body Wisdom and Deep Play


Sat. 6/17, 1:00-2:30 pm:  Discover InterPlay - Stories, Movement, Relationships, Growth


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