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Intel(R) VNF NEXT Virtual Conference

From: Murat S.
Sent on: Thursday, November 9, 2017, 11:08 AM
Dear IoTD Members,

Intel's VNF NEXT Virtual Conference will be held on 13th November. If you are interested, please read the details below and register for it.

Don’t miss out! For more information and to register, visit:

Check out the Intel® VNF Next Virtual Conference to further your VNF skills. Attendees will learn valuable tips and tricks from field experts on how to develop and manage VNFs for the 5G and IoT use case.  There will be 20 featured tech talks, tutorials and hands-on virtual demos and labs. This free online conference is happening on November 13th. Check out some of the speakers:

- Marissa Schmidt: Director, Product Management - Citrix
- Muthaiah Venkatachalam: Director of System Architecture - Intel
- Mike McBride: Senior Director of Innovation - Huawei

Please email [address removed] if you have any questions. Don't forget to register:

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