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Experience Design Training: IxDA Cincy Discount

From: Cristine C.
Sent on: Monday, July 23, 2018, 10:37 PM

Gravity Drive is providing Experience Design Training
August 1-3, 2018
IxDA Cincy Member Discount: Use code CincyIxDAAug18 when registering to get 25% off the regular rate of $399!

Wednesday, August 1
Experience Design Basics: Why Product Design is More Than a Pretty Face
What do you need to do to create an amazing experience for the people using your product? The course is designed for people who have heard about User Experience (UX) or Customer Experience (CX) research and want to learn what it might involve and how it might help your business. The goal for this course is to help you develop a strategy for creating amazing products and practice research techniques that you can take back to your workplace and use in your day-to-day practices.
The course gives you experience with tools that will help you to understand the people who will use your products.
For more information and to register:

Thursday, August 2
User Interface Fundamentals
What do you need to do to make an interface attractive, easy to use and effective for the people using your product? The course is designed for people who need to design the interface for a software product. You might be a graphic designer, a front end or UI developer, or just the person who decides what the interface looks like and how it works.The goal for this course is to help you learn more about developing an interface that looks great AND works well. The course gives you knowledge and tools that will improve your understanding of WHY things work and HOW best to improve them. For more information and to register:

Friday, August 3
Influence Not Control
What do you need to know to predict and influence the behavior of the people using your product? The course is designed for people who are interested in making websites, marketing materials, training materials, or even software applications that encourage people to take action. The goal for this course is to provide you with basic principles of human behavior and help you to use these in improving your product and responses to calls to action. This class will start you on your way to effectively move people toward their goals. Plan to bring an idea or a current project to work on during the course. (If you don't have something in mind, we can come up with something at the beginning of class.) Whether you call it learning, persuasion, habit, or gamification - you are trying to influence behavior.
For more information and to register:

Location:Kappa Delta Pi, 3707 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268

If you have any questions about the GravityDrive Experience Design courses, please contact them at [address removed]

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