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Fwd: geri green sent you a message: jazz musician in Lansing

From: Dave L.
Sent on: Friday, February 21, 2014, 9:06 AM

-----Original Message-----
From: Meetup <[address removed]>
To: jazzmandol <[address removed]>
Sent: Thu, Feb 20,[masked]:58 pm
Subject: geri green sent you a message: jazz musician in Lansing

Meetup Message from: geri green, Member of JAZZ FANS OF GREATER DETROIT

jazz musician in Lansing

got an email that said you know someone looking for a jazz guitarist in Lansing. I know of one. Ray Kamalay. You can look him up on youtube and if you like what you hear you can contact him at: [address removed]. He plays several different styles of Jazz. Hot club of Paris; included. Hope this helps. geri
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